Lord, I Need You

After traveling to Africa twice on mission trips within my church, I had heard there was talk of a team traveling to Tanzania for 6 weeks I was immediately interested. Africa has easily become one of my favorite places in the world, so as I heard more about this trip, my urge to go only grew. However, there were many fears that came along with my excitement. As I was thinking through and praying through if I should go on this trip, I attended the Passion Conference here in Atlanta and it really shifted my perspective. Over the course of the weekend I realized service is not just a calling, but a command. God commands me to share his name with others, and this trip is my next step in doing so. I realized there will be no other time in my life that it will be this easy to pack up and leave for this long. I really did not know a lot about this trip but I was certain I was meant to go. The layer of peace that came with deciding to go on a trip for 6 weeks was supernatural. Although there have been moments of panic or anxiety as I think about leaving the only life I have known for 6 weeks, God has given me a spirit of peace and comfort.

I was reminded of this as I was sitting alone in church this past Sunday. We were worshiping to the song “Lord, I Need You.” As I listened to the lyrics of the song I was reminded that I have no power without God. I need God, but God does not need me. How much greater is my admiration for God knowing that He wants me even though he does not need me? This trip I will choose to live in obedience to God, no matter any fears or anxious thoughts. I will choose to obey his command to serve others and spread his living word. I know God does not need me on this trip, but I cannot wait to see how he uses our team to make himself known to the unreached people of Tanzania.


  • Jamie Powell on 6/12/2022 8:59:26 PM

    Hello Lilly, I will see you in Africa. Know that I am praying for you. If there is anything I can do to help do not hesitate to ask.
    Jamie Powell

Lily Mann

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